The Ration book Café imageThe Ration book Café imageThe Ration book Café image
The Ration Book Café is open to visitors from 10am - 4pm Friday to Sunday and Bank Holidays. It's also available for Group Visits at other times as required. Fully wheelchair accessible there is seating in the cafe, under cover outside and at various picnic benches around the site. If you are a wheelchair user, disabled, or reliant on support, our volunteers will be pleased to deliver your order to your chosen location if need-be. Hot and cold drinks, cakes and light lunches are available. Assistance dogs only, are welcome in the cafe and the covered eating area, but if you have your dog with you (on a lead) you're more than welcome to use one of the picnic benches at various locations around the site.

If you have a special event, daytime or evening group visit planned, a finger buffet can be arranged in advance, and we have a number of caterers who can be called in. If either you, or one of your guests have special dietary requirements or have a specific food allergy, do please be sure to make this known to us well before the event.